Saturday, December 10, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Little Cottonwood
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Is this Normal?

Monday, September 26, 2011
A great weekend!
"I'm preparing to be baptized by getting a dress and saying my prayers. I'm excited because I will be following Jesus Christ's example."
"I'm preparing to be baptized by reading the scriptures and going to church. I'm excited because I will get the Holy Ghost."
"My baptism was special because I got the gift of the Holy Ghost and because I'm pure."
"I am preparing to go to the temple by going to church, taking the sacrament, and keeping the commandments."
"I am preparing to go to the temple by working on my Faith in God award. I read my scriptures regularly and have set a goal with Book of Mormon reading."
"I treat my body like a temple of God when I eat healthy and exercise. I also dress modestly."
"I keep my mind pure and clean by reading good books and thinking good thoughts."
"I'm preparing for my mission by learning about the gospel, going to church and reading the scriptures."
"I can be a missionary now by telling my friends about the church and invite them to come with me to church activities."
"I can be a missionary now by reading my scriptures and inviting my nonmember friends to church."
"My favorite scripture story is Daniel and the lion's den because it teaches me that if we have faith and do what is right, the Lord will protect us."
2 Years!

I felt pretty lucky to have a double rainbow!

Sunday, September 25, 2011
A while back we went to Hollywood connection with a Groupon deal we had purchased. Here is Brit battling it out on the rink, well her and about 50 Jr High kids that accompanied us that night on the rink. No doubt we were the oldest people there.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
These aren't in chronological order so here goes.
We are finishing our basement but we had this hideous light fixture in our entry way so we decided to replace it yesterday.
Brit's b-day was August 13th and we decided to do som....Just kidding sweetie, August 11th and she had been wanting a Book Case for a while so I bought and stayed up late to put it together. It came pretty well if I do say so myself. Just call me Tim tool time from now on.
Lagoon, This ride is so lame, it's so outdated and NOT scary. (Although I am really looking forward to going back to this is the state park haunted village)
We went to Disneyland on Thursday which was a good day to go because the crowds weren't horrible. Although the temps were hot for Cali we had a great time.
Last year when we went to Cali we went to Knotts Berry Farm. Not to ride the rides but to eat at their restaurant and partake of their Delicious Chicken Dinner. We decided to go back and I am glad we did. The meal is great and I love their Boysenberry Punch and Pie. (I believe Knotts Berry Farm invented the Boysenberry)
We went to a beach close to Brit's Uncle house (where we stayed). I had never been to that beach but it was very nice and clean.
We also went boating on lake Elsinore with Uncle Mike. Brit doesn't get in the water too often so she got up on the wakeboard and I had to take a picture.
Saturday we cruised down to San Diego. We went straight to temple to do a session. We didn't make in into the session we wanted because there were too many people and we didn't get a seat so we opted to do sealings. It's a beautiful Temple both inside and out.
Right after the Temple we went to the San Diego Zoo. I thought it would be fun to go and I have always heard it is the Zoo of Zoo's in the U.S.
We also went to Hollywood. We walked around the famous walk of stars street and can you believe it we also saw Lady Gaga, Batman, and Samuel L Jackson! But come to find they were just Star Look A likes on the street posing for pictures and stuff :(
We volunteered with Richard up at Snowbird for the last stage of the Tour of Utah. It was pretty fun awesome to see those amazing athletes. The Tour De France winner Cadel Evans was even on hand to take in the sights.
Disneyland Parade, I love Marching bands as well as College bands at football games.