Sunday, August 29, 2010


Within the past little while I have had an Aunt and Uncle pass away. They were both on the Trujillo side of the family. We normally don't get to see that side of the family all too often. Usually it's just during major holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas. A few days ago I started to think that I don't even know if I have photographs of either my Aunt Erma or my Uncle Jake, how sad is that. Will I even really remember them or what they look like in 10 years? I certainly hope so but this blog is dedicated to these 2 people. May we always remeber to have photos of family members to always help us remember who they were and how much they meant to us.

My Aunt Erma, she was great and we would ALWAYS get together at her house for family gatherings. Out of everyone on the Trujillo side, she was definitely the glue that held the family together. You will be missed Aunt Erma.

(She is on the left in the front wearing the gray skirt)

Uncle Jacob

We didn't get to see Uncle Jacob all too often so I didn't have a close relationship with him, but he was very nice, quiet and just kind of kept to himself and went with the flow. Many people at his funeral service mentioned how kind he was and how he would do things for people not wanting any recognition. As anyone who has met me dad, you can see the resemblance in the family very quickly.

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