Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer Days and Nights

My good friends Krista and Aaron (A-bag) had their first baby. It's a boy, gavin. I finally caught up with them the other day at their place to see him. Cute kid. Well done you guys!

I went to a really good friends wedding reception. Chris kent and I go way back. All the way to AYSO and Strikers and his dad Joe coaching us. Congrats to Beav and his new Bride. Here is a picture of them cutting the cake. It was also good to see osme old friends I hadn't seen in a ver long time. Seth Huggins. Vicki Hansen, Josh and Brandon Wray, Brad Hepworth, Cory Turkelson, Jackson Van Dyke, Sam Hykelah, and a few more.

We also went boating to Jordanele. It was a lot of fun and the first time I had really been boating this year. Thanks to my roomate Jeff and taking us in his boat. I am not a huge fan of wakeboarding. I have just seen too many people get hurt and am scared to try any flips or tricks so I just jump the wake... Although I did try surfing the wake close to the boat and that was a blast. Here are a few pics. (Click to enlarge)

My one and only trick, a grab.

Here are a few videos of my good buddy Blake Nelson. He is pretty good on a wakeboard. probably the best I have ever been with. It's surprising to see how many people suck at wakeboarding on the lake. I hardly ever see people that are good. Especially when they are rolling in a 100 thousand dollar wakeboard boat. Props to Blake.

Sorry but I am not hip on the wakeboard nomenclature, but I think this is an air railey?


I have had a great summer so far. Hanging with friends and family!


Trujillo family said...

Pretty sweet benny! Im jealous

Lisa Marie said...

Sweet pictures! Did you get your job?

Monica said...

That Kent dude's not Colby's brother is he? And the wakeboarding looks like a good time. I went last summer for the first time and had lots of fun. It took me a couple times before I could get up though, but it was fun. Summertime's the best.

Natalie said...

Nice blog dude... this is Natalie, ya know Brit's best friend. haha