Avery turned 2 months yesterday. I can't believe how fast time goes with a baby. I love every minute with her. She had her 2 month check-up yesterday. Here are her stats:
weight: 10 lbs. 6 oz. (39%)
height: 23 in. (75%)
head: 39.3 cm. (65%)
So she has gained about 3 lbs. and grown 2 inches. Getting shots was no fun. We laid her on the table. I was up by her head holding her hands and she looked right up at me. I felt so bad. She screamed pretty good. She slept for awhile after. When she woke up she was not happy. I saw her very first tear come down her face. It took awhile for the medicine to kick in and even then she was still a little fussy. Today she is doing great though. Hopefully 4 months doesn't come to fast.
They gave her some Tasmanian Devil band-aids.
weight: 10 lbs. 6 oz. (39%)
height: 23 in. (75%)
head: 39.3 cm. (65%)
So she has gained about 3 lbs. and grown 2 inches. Getting shots was no fun. We laid her on the table. I was up by her head holding her hands and she looked right up at me. I felt so bad. She screamed pretty good. She slept for awhile after. When she woke up she was not happy. I saw her very first tear come down her face. It took awhile for the medicine to kick in and even then she was still a little fussy. Today she is doing great though. Hopefully 4 months doesn't come to fast.
They gave her some Tasmanian Devil band-aids.
We love our little girl and so glad she is feeling better!
I told you not to look her in the face. It's killer. I love that smile and I can't wait to squeeze her!
It is so sad! But it does get better every time. They still cry but their recovery is much quicker. Poor baby girl! Can't wait for all of our fun times this week!
This basically broke my heart! But what a beautiful little girl! <3 So glad she is okay now!
aww.. look at that cute little Smile.. what a doll, yeah hopefully 4 months is a way away, I am loving this stage!
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