Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Kennas is really getting a little personality and it's so fun to see the different things she will do and say.  She gets her feeings hurt pretty easy and will open her mouth wide open like she is crying but no sound is coming out. She loves to play with her big sister Avery even though they don't always get a log. Avery has also been more interested in playing with her the last few months which wasn't the case when Kennas was a baby.

Whenever she is in her chair to eat she always crosses her legs. Funny Girl.

I will play a game with the girls called "Tossy's" where I will throw them into the air and onto the bed or couch.
The other day Mckenna grabbed her little doll and started to play, funny girl.

1 comment:

Melanie Herway said...

For some reason I can't play these videos??